Well, the Lord has blessed us with our LOA FINALLY after waiting 49 days since we were logged in with the CCAA! I know we are blessed as things have seemed to slow down a bit since the Chinese New Year, but God's timing is perfect and I had rested in that face, really!!! I know He has this under control and I will be still and wait on Him!We sent a care package to Levi almost two weeks ago, so hopefully he will be getting it soon along with the cake to his foster family! I cannot believe in just over 2 months we will have our sweet boy in our arms! THANK YOU LORD for you perfect plan for our family! I pray that Levi's heart starts to open up to us as his forever family! Won't be long now Levi!
We were also blessed to be with very good friends when we received LOA. We actually have known them since we got our first China dolls back in 06. It was a wonderful celebration!
Faithfully in Him,